Confession: I love Twitter.
I actively use it to extend my professional learning opportunities, stay up-to-date, check in on a celebrity or two, belly laugh at King Henry tweets, and most importantly, connect with other educators. I shamelessly brag on my students, share what’s happening in my classroom, and participate in the weekly and beloved #aplitchat.
You are IN NO WAY obligated or required to create an account and “be on Twitter.” But if you are, feel free to follow me. To keep it professional and less-weird, I won’t follow you back until you graduate — an AP Lit rite of passage.
- My handle is @karlahilliard, and I will Tweet all AP Lit related announcements, ideas, articles, photos, and reflections to #APLit17.
- I encourage you to share your own thoughts and reactions and questions to your reading using #APLit17.
I thought I’d make this official and share my intent. I hope you’ll join in on the conversation and extend our classroom experience into the Twittersphere. Happy Tweeting!